RXA? $$$ in your pocket

RXA? with compelling strategy for growth = $$$ in your pocket

Dear fellow investor,

As global markets emerge from a long, dark winter of economic discontent – market leaders such as Florida’s Resource Exchange of America Corporation (RXA?), a globally integrated metals recycling company, are demonstrating their ability to adapt for long-term growth.

Last week, RXA? was traded more than it has ever been before in one week! Not only has trading quadrupled (that’s right – 4 times as much) compared to the past four weeks, but with steadily climbing prices to boot.

One reason for this could be the Initiating Coverage Report by independent analyst Awareness Research that was unveiled last week. Revealing that the Target Price for the stock is $3.20 will raise more than just an eyebrow, it will create a flurry of activity from stock hungry investors.

It could also be the news from later last week that RXA? has intensified its focus on the Chinese markets through a Joint Venture with LT Trading. A Joint Venture that – given China’s insatiable demand for scrap metal – is sure to increase revenues and profits – and stock price.

RXA? have developed a strategy of vertical integration that aims to capitalize on key markets within the recycling industry, including: asset recovery, maritime salvage, processing yards, brokering and sales. Given that the recycling business has not yet fully recovered from last year’s economic downturn, they aim to take full advantage of potential strategic investments at attractively low valuations.

It’s a good time to be in the recycling business, as governments push for environmentally-friendly technologies and sustainable industrial alternatives. This demand means the industry should experience strong growth for the foreseeable future. With a wealth of overseas connections, and having recently announced their intention to expand full-time into Chinese markets, RXA? is well-positioned to take full advantage of this global boom in recycled materials.

Ultimately RXA?’s clearly defined strategy spells great news for shareholders, with a long-term price target of $3.20 per share. The US scrap industry is expected to rise by some 20% annually for the next five years. Based on these projections, RXA?’s unique model of global vertical integration spells a potential growth in revenue of 35% per year. And RXA? has clearly been positioning themselves in the past couple of months to deliver on their revenue projections!

Just as impressive, their profits are projected to jump by 950 % in the same period!

A greener future, then, is also very much a brighter future for the stockholders of RXA?.

Therefore: STRONG BUY ALERT for: RXA?

The fair market value of RXA? will be $3.20 per share – almost SIX times its presently traded value!

In short – invest $1,000 today, and see that grow to $6,000!

Invest $3,000 today, and see your port grow to $18,000!

Or invest $10,000 today, and see your fortune EXPLODE to $60,000!

Do your due diligence, and I’ll see you on the boards.

Author: admin

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