Definitely spend some time learning good Crypto practices

CryptoHam Crypto Currency Trading

Group expert in General business management
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Just for members attention, a very disappointing and disturbing post went up on Crypto Australia which should remind us all to secure your Crypto and educate yourself on best practices. I have actually appealed to some very smart gurus on there and one has PMd me to agree to put together a very comprehensive document that details how $66,000,000 USD has been literally stolen from wallets in the last 6 months alone. He is also then going to try and give a fairly good plan on how to avoid the loss you will read about below. Feel free to join Crypto Australia and read some of the responses which give very good reasons as to why the funds most probably are not recoverable.
So in short

  • you earn money to invest
  • you risk that earnt money by investing
    -you possibly have a win and your Crypto grows
    -After this long journey, some ba$t@r% steals your well earned investments only armed with a computer and an internet connection, and he can be from virtually anywhere on the planet
    Scary stuff…..
    Definitely spend some time learning good Crypto practices, I have gained some reasonable knowledge but as I admit to in the comments on Crypto Australia, I still feel the sweat going down my bank moving often $50k blocks back and forth as its easy to bugger up anything from accounts to seed phrases etc. Always test your transfer with a small amount first, then rinse and repeat with the larger amount.
    We here at cryptoham do not unfortunately have the sufficient resources to teach guaranteed Crypto security but hopefully some of the information being offered to me can be shared to get us all at least a few steps closer to being more confident with transitional Crypto at times.
    Here is the text article that I can now confirm that this chap is a real life situation through my other 3rd party friend who is attempting to assist but it’s a very difficult situation and unlikely to see recovery. And just in case your bad at maths, this poor guy has had over $100k USD stolen, like a magicians wand, poof, its gone unfortunately. ??????????
    Trade carefully in the first instance, but then protect your well earned funds.
    I just lost 66.1 eth. No sites connected on metamask recently. Must have gotten my secret phrases somehow. Still havent figured out how they got it.
    I tracked the transaction to a point they swapped it to bitcoin and I can see it just sitting there doing nothing.
    Can anyone recommend a recovery expert. This will have a major impact on me financially and mentally.
    Yes i am an idiot for using metamask. I have lost enough dignity as it is. Just help would be appreciated.
    Group expert in General business management
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    F#@k me, what happened, I went to sleep and woke up $14,000 richer, what did I miss?????
    I don’t even look these days & only just saw your post
    10 w
    Market rallying ahead of Bitcoin halving. Altcoins and meme coins in particular going mental ??
    10 w

Group expert in General business management
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43.83% up today….I’m rich????????????

Group expert in General business management
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Ya just gotta love Bitcoin right now, keep or sell and take profits is the bigger question????????????????
I’d do a bit of both mate
11 w
Take the profits and go on a holiday you deserve it for keeping the faith of a nice pay day!
11 w

Author: admin