STOCK SERVICES REVIEW. New Rules of Investing P1


Jon Markman
Editor, Trader’s Advantage

The market’s 38% decline in 2008 was the second worst in the past 183 years, and that doesn’t even factor in the carnage we saw the first quarter of this year.

But our priorities are now quite clear.

Survive. Reassess. Rebuild.

This bear market has thoroughly shaken many people’s basic assumptions about investing. But here’s what most investors haven’t yet grasped: We just witnessed…

The Death of Investing as We Know It

So many investors I talk to are waiting for the market to return to normal. Folks, this IS the new normal.

We are NEVER going back to the way things were.

So it’s time to stop wringing our hands about what happened. It’s time for people to stop despairing over the money they’ve lost (around $12 trillion). It’s time to face a new reality.

That reality is, you MUST change the way you are investing. Otherwise, you are doomed to suffer the same crushing losses again. And you must start today.

I am appalled at how many people are losing money because they are still sitting on the sidelines.

Now is the time to take action.

Now is the time to start making money again.

Now is the time to learn a smarter way to invest—and I can show you how.

Profit No Matter What
the Market Does

Before we go any further, though, I should probably introduce myself. I’m Jon Markman, editor of Trader’s Advantage.

You may have read one of my many columns on MSN Money or over the past dozen years, or seen me on CNBC. I’m also a co-inventor on two Microsoft patents and have been a longtime pioneer in the development of stock-rating systems and screening software.

A pioneer in the development of stock-rating systems and screening software, Mr. Markman is co-inventor on two Microsoft patents and author of the best-selling books “Swing Trading” and “Online Investing.” He was portfolio manager and senior investment strategist at a multi-strategy hedge fund from 2002 to 2005; managing editor and columnist at CNBC on MSN Money from 1997 to 2002 and an editor, investments columnist and investigative reporter at The Los Angeles Times from 1984 to 1997.

Mr. Markman won a Gerald Loeb Award for Distinguished Financial Journalism for his columns explaining market chicanery in 2002; Society of Professional Journalists awards for his 2001 reporting on Enron and the post-Sept. 11-investment environment; and was a news editor on Los Angeles Times staffs that won Pulitzer Prizes for spot-news reporting in 1992 and 1994. A graduate of Duke University and the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism, he speaks frequently on investment topics at conferences nationwide as well as on TV and radio.

The reason why I bring up the last point is because a few years ago I developed what has to be the most powerful and predictive stock-ranking system ever. It’s a ruthlessly objective and deadly accurate trading system that spots fast-moving price swings in the market—before stocks take off.

And it has enabled us to continuously rake in huge gains like these no matter what the market is doing:

Hershey: +272% in 18 days
Gilead: +111% in 13 days
eBay: +87% in 2 days
Ryder: +86% in 2 days
InterContinental Exchange: +77% in 18 days
Newmont Mining: +65% in 3 weeks
Apple: +50% in 1 day
Direxion 3x Bull Technology: +43% in 3 weeks
Teekay Shipping: +40% in 2 days
Just One Goal: Make Money

People ask me all the time, “Jon, what’s your investment philosophy?” And my answer is always the same… to make money.

I’m not a bear or a bull.

Look, to profit in today’s market, you must forget those old labels.

When it comes to making money, I’m agnostic! I’m an opportunist. I’m a supreme realist. I’m a mercenary. I’m in it for the profits. I’m in it to win, and that means I’ll be on whoever’s side is winning. And I can put you on the winning side, too.

So please don’t waste another minute wondering whether this rally is for real, because I’m here to tell you it doesn’t matter.

The market is moved by forces you can’t predict let alone control. But you are NOT at the mercy of the markets. You can make money week in and week out no matter what the market does, as long as you are willing to do things a little differently this time around.

Many people have not yet accepted this. That’s why even experienced investors are continuing to lose money—or leave it on the table—today.

Shockingly, just about everyone I talk to is still taking way too much risk—especially those who are out of the market.

Author: admin

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