Plandai Biotechnology, Inc. (PLPL) A Bio-Entity Primed to Overtake Nutrition Market

Plandai Biotechnology, Inc. (PLPL) A Bio-Entity Primed to Overtake Nutrition Market Everything in the stock market is cyclical to a point. Rajiv Kaul of Fidelity’s biotechnology funds declared, “this is the best time for biotech ever.” Enter Plandai Biotechnology, Inc. (PLPL) who has created and patented a removal method that takes the good, takes out the bad and increases the benefits of nutrients to make improved food and drinks through superior technology; products that can have notable benefits for our bodies. Plandai Biotechnology, Inc. (PLPL) is presenting 3 unique products into the multi-bil. dollar United States nutritional supplements industry. Not to guess too much, but with half bil. potential users annually, even at a minimal price point for treatment, the likely revenues for Plandai Biotechnology, Inc. (PLPL) are gigantic. 5847 San Felipe, 17th Floor, Houston, Tex 77057 U.S.A.

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