N_u_v_i_l_e_x, Inc., Johnson & John-son, and Med_tronic, Inc. , All Creating Type of Artificial Pancreas for Diabetics

Nuvi lex, Inc., Johnson & Johnson, and Medtronic, Inc. , All Designing Type of Artificial Pancreas for Diabetics

While Medtronic, Inc. (NYSE: M D T) and Johnson & Johnson (NYSE: JNJ) are developing devices that can fundamentally act as a type of “artificial pancreas,” N_u_v_i_l_e_x, Inc. (OTCQB: N-V-L-X) unique cell encapsulation technology has indicated it too can invent a type of “artificial pancreas” in preclinical diabetes studies.  Their advances couldn’t be more unalike; however, all three organizations are sure that inventing an artificial pancreas gives diabetics the greates solution to independently track their blo_od sugar levels, and in turn, offer them with insulin as desired.

As the two N_Y_S_E|N-Y-S-E|NYSE}-traded companies seek out medical devices represent their brand of artificial pancreas, the small, Silver Spring, Maryland-located biotech, Nuvilex, is turning to a much more minor and different possibility – transplanted living, insulin-producing cells enclosed in capsules just about the size of the head of a pin, that form a bundle and act as a miniature cell factory that makes insulin upon demand within the diabetics physique.

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Author: admin