Complement Of The Day From Chris and Colin Weir To You – SCAM

You are asked to believe the following considering the Weirs are English speaking people who should have a reasonable command of the English language?? AND they would have a Chinese based Email address?? Complement Of The Day From Chris and Colin Weir To You We gladly appreciate your response in respect of our donation of £350,000.00 to you and your amazing family, This is to acknowledge your message and this is 100% legitimate. I hope this information meet you well as we know you will be curious to know why/how we selected you to receive a cash sum of £350,000.00. We are very happy to hear from you because we believe this is a life time opportunity for you and your family, and we have decided to make sure this is put on the internet for the world to see and to ease your skepticism. we have just commenced our Charity Donation by giving out a cash donation of £350,000.00 GBP to Fifteen (20) lucky individuals from any part of the world. After taken care of the needs of our relations, we believe in making others comfortable and happy like us. Ever since we won the Euro Millions Jackpot Lottery of £161 Million Pounds on July 12, 2011, we have decided to assist the local fire department, the Red Cross, Haiti, some hospitals majorly involved in cancer treatment, and some other charity organizations around the world that fight cancer, Alzheimer’s and diabetes. However, since we won the Lottery, we have been investing ahead of the future. To facilitate the payment process of the funds (£350,000.00) which have been donated solemnly to you, you are to send us your Full Names, Your Contact Address and Your Personal Telephone Number, (we asked for this brief information just to know who we are donating this money to and because of the Identity thief going around the internet which we have been a victim and we do not want to ask you for your ID as we do not want to leave an impression in your mind that we want to steal your identity) so that we can forward you the payout bank of this donation. I am hoping that you will be able to use the money wisely and judiciously. Please do your part to also alleviate the level of poverty in your region, help as many you can help once you have this money in your personal account because that is the only objective of donating this money to you in the first place. We like to re-assure you of the legitimacy of this donation as we will not be involved in any fraudulent act and will never be, we only want to feel good by helping people, we will advise you as the prospective lucky winners to be calm not to lose this great opportunity which millions of people are trying to entangled but the chances just couldn’t come for them because a lot of people are out there to discourage them as they don’t know how it works and have never seen such before. You can verify this by visiting the web pages below once again.–161m-winners-join-jet-set-promise-fun.html Thank you… Chris and Colin Weir ****************************************************************************** ========================================================= This email was supposedly sent out by UK couple Colin and Chris Weir who won a very large lottery prize in 2011. The message claims that the couple is giving away a sizable portion of their winnings as part of their “2012 Cash/Charity Donation programme”. And, claims the message, the lucky recipient has been selected as one of the beneficiaries of this programme and has therefore been awarded the princely sum of £1,500,000. The recipient is instructed to email Colin and Chris with name and contact details so that a cheque for the “donation” can be issued. However, the email is not from Colin and Chris Weir and the recipient has not been awarded any money as claimed. The message is an attempt by cybercriminals to trick recipients into sending them money and personal information. In 2011, the couple won £161?million in the EuroMillions lottery making them Britain’s biggest ever lottery winners. The huge win generated a great deal of publicity at the time, with the couple reportedly fleeing to Spain after being inundated with begging letters asking for a share in the fortune. The scammers responsible for this message have attempted to capitalize on the publicity surrounding the win by posing as Colin and Chris Weir. By using a stolen photograph of the couple and linking to a news report that may seem to support the claims in their cover story, the scammers hope to make their lies a little more believable. But, those who fall for the ruse and reply to the message to claim their money will soon be asked to pay a series of upfront fees. The scammers will claim that the fees are unavoidable and are required to cover a host of – entirely imaginary – expenses such as insurance, legal and banking costs or income taxes. The scammers will make it clear from the outset that that all of the requested fees must be paid before the prize cheque can be sent. Under no circumstances, they will claim, can the fees be paid out of the donation itself. Further requests for fees are likely to continue until victims finally realize that they are being conned or simply run out of money to send. Of course, the supposed donation does not exist and victims who send money as requested are very unlikely to get any of it back. The scammers will demand that all of the supposed fees are wired to them electronically as cash, so after the scam has taken its course, they will simply disappear with the money. And, because victims may be tricked into submitting a large amount of personal and financial information during the course of the scam, they may also open themselves up to potential identity theft as well. Advance fee lottery scams of this nature are extremely common and take many forms. Versions of the scam were sent out via surface mail long before the rise of the Internet. These days, such scams are commonly distributed via phone text message and social media outlets as well as via email. Be wary of any message that claims that you have been awarded a large sum of money based on the random selection of your name or email address. While some lottery winners might well decide to donate some of their winnings to charity , it is highly improbable that they would just hand out large sums of money to total strangers. No lottery or charity programme is ever likely to conduct its affairs in such a manner.

Author: admin

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