2013/06/25 N u v i l e x, Inc.’s (OTCQB: N V L X) Might Play a Role in Multimodality Remedy of Cancer Patients

Nuvilex, Inc.’s Cell Encapsulation Might Play a Role in Multimodality Remedy of Can-cer Patients
N u v i l e x, Inc.’s (OTCQB: N V L X) has a technology in their cell encapsulation practice that will very probably participate in some part in the future of oncology. How great that role will be is depending upon the technology ongoing to yield solid results when it’s tested. One such area where the technology has had an opening to show its value is in a preclinical analysis that was conveyed in the highly esteemed scientific p.u.b, International Journal of Can_cer.
In that study Nuvilex’s cell encapsulation was used together with ifosfamide and radi.ation for the treating of pancreatic tumors in rats. The sort of cells encapsulated for the study were equal to those used in the company’s two self-governing Level 2 clinical trials in advanced, inoperable pancreatic can-cer patients. These cells are utilized because of the extremely raised activity of CYP2B1, the ifosfamide-activating enzyme. Results of the study showed that cell encapsulation and ifosfamide together with radi.ation gave the earliest positive response to treatment and the greatest percentage of responders of any of the four treatment groups in the study.

Author: admin