2013-AUG Nuvilex Inc.’s (NVLX)

Nuvilex Inc.’s (NVLX) Nuvilex, Inc. Attainment Might Show to Be the Deal of the Century and Valued at Bil_lions In a freshly published attainment deal, Nuvilex, Inc. (OTCQB: NVLX), scor_ed what can only be labelled as the bar-gain of a lifetime. The organization was able to secure a deal that permitted them to “cherry-pick” the exact piece of the pie Nuvilex needed from a different company. And, what was the exact piece of the pie Nuvilex wanted – Bio Blue Bird AG and, more essentially, its world-wide licenses linked to the live-cell encapsulation platform technology to foster treatments for all can_cer types – and that’s precisely what the organization got. In the contract, Nuvilex gained all of the shares of Bio Blue Bird AG (BBB), a wholly-owned secondary of SG Austria Pri-vate Limited. As an effect of this gaining, BBB is now Nuvilex’s wholly-owned secondary. This is a deal where Nuvilex and its shareholders win huge, and quite freely the shift was pure genius and may prove to be worth bil_lions of dol_lars. What may have been confused in all the legal verbiage in last week’s announcement announcing the attainment is that Nuvilex now controls the use of this technology as it relates to its usage in any therapy, of any version of can_cer, by any entity. This revelation alone could not only dramatically enrich Nuvilex’s pipeline, but could attract many of big name pharmaceutical and biotech entities to Nuvilex’s front door. The key, obviously, is Nuvilex’s future Level Three pancreas can_cer trials.

Author: admin