Build on a foundation of low risk and financial strength.


How You Can Jumpstart Your Investment Profits

Who Were the Taipans of Yesterday…

Well, chances are you’ve heard the expression “any port in a storm.” Those on land tend to take the phrase lightly. But for those at sea, it’s a much more serious matter, as two American ships recently discovered.

The New York Times recently reported that two U.S. minesweeping vessels were threatened by “a serious Pacific Ocean storm.” Caught far from home, the sweepers sought shelter in the waters of Hong Kong. China denied them permission to enter. Fortunately, the storm passed without inflicting damage, a lucky thing.

Those minesweepers had the right idea at least. Hong Kong has served as a “port in a storm” for centuries. The area’s importance stretches back more than 1,000 years to the Tang dynasty.

A little more recently (150 years or so ago), Hong Kong’s virtues were used to great advantage by the Taipans. And just who were the Taipans?

The original Taipans were fearless Scottish and English traders who built their fortunes linking Europe and the Far East. They shipped anything and everything of value across the high seas: tea, silk, opium, cotton, grain, bullion, you name it.

The most successful of the Taipans headed up powerful trading houses. Hong Kong became a pivotal base of operations for their merchant ships, with Victoria Harbour serving as one of the deepest sheltered harbors in the world.

…And Who Are the Taipans of Today

Here and now, in the 21st century, we take a page from the original Taipans to form a different group of Taipans to explore the globe. These new Taipans make up the Taipan Publishing Group, a diverse group of editors and analysts helping investors, such as yourself, to discover new investment frontiers.

Think of us as your personal global intelligence network. With over 20 years of experience, we offer you a team of “insiders” around the globe (in India, China, Australia – just to name a few spots – in addition to the U.S.). Our own global reporter and blogger, Sara Nunnally, also travels to the next hot frontier or emerging market…all to find the opportunities Wall Street and Main Street media isn’t talking about.

Face it, you won’t make money from the stories on page 1 of the newspaper or the lead story on the 6 o’clock news. But you can profit with the type of actionable intelligence Taipan Publishing Group and Taipan Daily offers you day to day…

Introducing you to the safety you need with your investments – the cornerstone of any sound portfolio – with blue chips and dividend plays, mixed in with more adventurous waters of trading services, emerging markets and the lucrative sectors of technology, commodities and small caps.

There are always profitable investment opportunities out there… if you know where to find them. Let our team be your guide.

From the Asian tigers to the new tigers of Eastern Europe; things are happening in South America, India, Africa, Indonesia, Russia and Turkey, just to name a few places. And billions of newly aspiring middle class consumers are hungry for bank accounts and lap tops and air conditioners and automobiles… new technology, new infrastructure, new wealth, and so on.

The Yin & Yang of Investing

Over the next few decades, the lion’s share of exciting investment opportunities will be linked to the developing world.

But there are dangers, too, of course as storms rage in markets, just as they do on the open sea. The original Taipans knew this all too well, and investors have been reminded of it recently.

In line with Hong Kong and the merchant ships analogy, the safety of Victoria Harbour represents the cornerstone of the sound investment portfolio. Everything should be built on a foundation of low risk and financial strength.

And then, once that base of safety is established, more aggressive opportunities can be pursued. Just as the Taipan ships ventured out into speculative waters for gain, the smart investor, once protected, can confidently venture out in pursuit of high returns.

Risk and reward, safety and opportunity… they are the yin and yang of trading and investing. It all ties together in the same way that a smart portfolio ties together. You start safe, and then venture out.